January 07, 2009
A Little Bit About A Big part Of My Life
Yesterday my preschool started back up after the holidays -without me. Actually I haven't taught since right after I was diagnosed at the end of October. I really miss it! And thought I would share a little about this big part of my life.
I was advised by my Doctor that being around children and the germs that come with them would not be good for me and the chance of getting an infection would definitely set back my treatment. So I had some quick decisions to make and have found the Lord's hand helping me along the way.
The next day after we found out I had Cancer was one of the hardest days of my life. We had planned and practiced with the preschoolers for a Halloween program for their parents. Somehow after much prayer and the help of my dear daughter-in-law and fellow teacher, Dani, we made it through the program. We did fine and the children did great. It is always fun to see them in their costumes and watch them "shine" for their parents.
Over the weekend we consolidated the classrooms into one, and I was able to hire my Daughter Mallory and Dani's older sister Laci to take my place teaching. I am so proud of all of them. They did a great job jumping right in and children loved them. I continued to write the lesson plans the rest of fall and tried to be involved on the sidelines as much as possible. There is no way I could have continued to teach. My energy level was not up to three and four year olds!
Because of changing college schedules for Laci, and Mallory they were no longer able to teach come January. I began praying to find someone who could help Dani so that we could continue to hold preschool. One day I received a card in the mail from a woman in my ward whom I barely knew. I always thought she seemed really on the ball, and a fun person to be around. She wrote a sweet note offering to help any time I needed a substitute for preschool. She had previously taught Kindergarten and had ran a preschool from her home.
After talking to Nicole, I knew she was definitely an anwer to my prayers. She gladly accepted my offer to take over the preschool and I couldn't ask for a better fit to my program and a mentor for Dani as she hopes to be a Kindergarten teacher one day.
I was a little sad to see preschool start back up without me. This has been my "baby" for the last fifteen years (not including the years I took off to have Trent and Spencer) I have taught several hundred children. I can honestly say I have loved every single one of them in their own way. Preschool is always a happy place where we can get excited about the simplest things. It has been a joy to watch the children grow, learn and discover new things, and see them progress throughout the year.
The last few years I have started to get antsy every spring-thinking I should go get a fulltime job teaching in a public school, however after I sit down and look at all the advantages I have teaching preschool I always decide I have it too good to leave. I have only taught two and half days a week. I get to use my creative energies in creating fun lesson plans and activities that teach. I get to play on the computer looking for new ideas, I get to work with little people who love me and laugh when I call them "my little chickadees" and most importantly I get to be home when my children are home.
So it's time to hand over my "baby" completely to someone else. I know they will be in good hands, and I know the Lord has a hand in orchestrating all of this.
Joe and I have discussed many times as we look back over the past six months. We see the Lord's hand preparing things in our lives to make this challenge easier for our family. Large and small things that we would haven't even noticed until we were faced with this challenge.
The Lord is there. If we really examine our lives. I know each of us can see His Hand helping us along the way and preparing us for not only challenges, but also blessings.
Thanks for letting me share-Love, Kris
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Sixteen Years-Life Goes On
Last Monday, October 28th, was just another day. I spent a busy day at work teaching High Schoolers. It is a race everyday to get everything...

Going on a "Dog Walk" with Trent and Spencer. (I walk they run) Last week I went to Huntsman for tests. Labs, a PET/CT...
Thanks so much for sharing your Journey in Moving that mountain. If anybody can do it you can. Jacob and Noah just loved having you for a teacher. You made learning so much fun for them.I know that our Heavenly Father has a hand in all things and we all can see that he certainly has his arms wrapped around you with the trials that you are facing. It's not until we are in our trials or when they are over that we really see all the blessings that come from them.You are in our thoughts and Prayers.
This is our 3rd year with you in our lives and in the lives of our children, and we couldn't have asked for a better teacher and mentor in their lives. My boys love you, as do I. I am so grateful that the Lord is helping you and your family.
We are grateful for the new teacher. I am positive that she will be great, but nobody will ever replace you Kris!!
You are in our thoughts and prayers constantly!
Hi Kristine,
I've spent quite a bit of time catching up on your blog. You've been through so much .... I am inspired by your strength, your optimism, and the energy you've created in everything you do. Your family is beautiful, what a blessing! I can't imagine running two successful businesses, raising a large family, and still managing to be so creative and ... well, ... just inspiring.
Thanks for emailing me and letting me into your life again.
Your friend,
Thank you for sharing your life with my kids. All six of my kids have loved your preschool and I can't tell you how much you have influenced their lives and mine. Kylee makes sure we pray for you every time we pray. So some days that's 4 or more prayers from our family. I wish we could do more though. I watched Jace wrestle tonight and I was very impressed and excited to see him to win. You have good kids and I appreciate the good examples they are. I have been reading up on your blog tonight and I am glad to hear you so positive. If anyone can climb this mountain it is you, I wish you didn't have too, but nonetheless the Lord is with you. I pray you will be able to return home to your family soon. Thanks again for the positive influence you have had on our family. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Thank You,
Thank you. Your insight helps me to see the Lord's hand in our life as well. We really don't see until we take the time to look. Your blog gives me that time. Thank you. Alesha
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