January 12, 2009
"Shaking out my Shoes"
Sometimes when you climb mountains you have to take time out to sit down in the dirt and shake the rocks, pebbles, and sand out of your shoes. Sometimes while I am climbing this mountain I have to "shake out my shoes," with a box of kleenex by my side.
This is a pretty steep mountain and there are times when I don't feel like taking another step. Sometimes this upward climb becomes more of a mental than a physical challenge. During those times my cousin Jill, who is a cancer survivor, gave me some great advice-"The twelve and a half minute rule." On bad days I can give myself twelve and a half minutes to cry and fall apart. When the times up, It's time to get back to living. To being a wife, a mother, a daughter, and a fighter.
This rule comes in handy. Sometimes I can store up my minutes for several days, or cut my allotted time in half. Sometimes I can't take another step until I get that tiny irritating pebble out of my shoe.
I know I am not climbing this mountain alone. I have many friends, and family cheering me on. I have my husband and my parents who not only cheer but occasionally help me "shake out my shoes" and offer a kleenex and a cold glass of water. And I have prayer and priesthood blessings which give me comfort and strength to keep climbing.
Today I had two biopsies, when I got home I had to "shake out my shoes" and sit in the dirt for a while. Tomorrow it will be time to put back on my shoes and head up the mountain one step at a time.
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Kris!!! you can do it!!! It is ok to rest and shake that shoe really good once in awhile. Remember me to my sister she has a brain tumor and she had radiation and a very big surgery that we thought the worse of that surgery, but a miracle happen and she is with us today and doing really good.
Kris!! everything will be ok, I can feel that your heart is full of emotions like a roller coaster, but you will be a winer on this, you will finish with honor you will see! my prayers are on your whole family cause I bet is a roller coaster for them too, they go with you and try also to shake their shoes with you, don't worry everything is on the Lords hands. Love you and thanks for being a good example of faith . Antonino's family
Kris!!!!! you can do it!!! it is fine to shake your shoes and have a rest. The only thing that is not allow to do on this trail is to GIVE UP!!! So, so far your are doing EXCELLENT!!!
I am from Guatemala City and I hope one of this days I can meet you and talk to you and tell you THANKS for being a good example of faith and keep being positive and you will reach the top of the mountain and you will finish with honor. Love you a lot and I keep praying for you and your whole family cause each one of you are in this adventure together.
With love Family Antonino+
Oh Kris!! You are not alone on this mountain, we are climbing with you. So, I will say, that you are doing really good, by shaking your shoes and taking all the dirt out, that is acceptable on this moutain that we are climbing with you, the only thing that is not acceptable is to GIVE UP!! so as long as you are not doing that we are ok. Shake that shoes many times you want, that also helps us to the next step and being more stronger on the climbing.
Love Fam. Antonino
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