November 20, 2020


 Its been 12 Years since I was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma!  Today I GIVE THANKS for my life and the many more years I have been given.  A few years ago I could not even dare to dream that I would not only live this long, but be healthy and strong.  

I owe my gratitude to my Savior who blesses me each day with good health,  an amazing family, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ which gives me peace and hope.  

March 15, 2020

Finding Peace this Sunday

As I gather with my family and prepare for the next few weeks of quarantine, this song has been running through my mind.  I teach children in my local LDS congregation.  Last year we learned this song together.  I loved it from the first time I heard it.  We have all weathered the storms of life, whether it be financial difficulties, family and relationship struggles, or sickness and poor health, but rarely has the whole world faced the same storm together.  Today has been set aside as a day of prayer in the U.S.  My prayer is that we may all find true and lasting Peace in Christ.

Fourteenth Year Cancerversary

              My husband and I at my 40th High School Reunion.                                                    Am I seriously that old?! ...