On my way to the hospital for my chemo and infusion parties, I drive past this sign. It always makes me smile.

Are the Dog's bones smoked or the Bones for the dogs smoked???
I guess a lot of times how we view our experiences in life are determined by our perspective at that moment. Going through this roller coaster of treatments over the last year and half I have realized how huge cancer and the weapons used to fight it, affect the body, the mind, the spirit, and the emotions. What you think affects how you feel, and what you feel physically affects how you think. Your perspective has a huge impact on the rest of you.
Sometimes when I read the sign on the road, I just feel like stopping in for a tasty snack for my dogs. At other times I can read the sign and think of holding on to my dogs tight before they are caught by the mean butcher who is turning innocent dogs into tasty treats. Okay it also makes me smile.
What I'm trying to say is all of us have challenges and experiences everyday that require us to react. We can choose to limit our perspective to negative thoughts or we can choose to react with a positive attitude and find a way to learn from what we are experiencing.
I am still learning. I have lots of practice and a long ways to go. When I don't feel good this is tough. Those are the times I can't think about the future, or my messy house, or what needs to be done on "My List." Those are the times when I have to count my blessings and pray. Thanking the Lord for my blessings and asking for an increase in courage and strength. I always feel better. No matter how I feel physically; I always feel better spiritually, mentally and emotionally after taking my burdens to the Lord and realizing the good in my life, and praying for others who are experiencing there own challenges and need the Lord's help. It's amazing how that works. It can change your perspective.
Now I think my dogs need a tasty snack....mmm how about a smokey dog bone.
P.S. Will someone please call and remind of this when I'm having a bad day?
One's first step in wisdom is to question everything - and one's last is to come to terms with everything.
Georg C. Lichtenburg
Hi Kris,
I totally agree with your comment on my blog. I am trying to teach Olivia to stand up for herself more and am thinking of starting her on some self-defense lessons to give her more confidence.Our little girl is all about peace and being friendly and I find myself having to TEACH HER to get mad. Most kids will not stop bullying until someone squares off with them
as you say. Stay well!
Funny...when I read this I was trying to determine who in their right mind would eat bones from dogs? I guess I'll chalk that one up to the nasty cold that is messing with my mind and body!
Great word on how our emotion state impacts our perspective.
I shall enjoy coming by to read your very nice blog, thanks for the very nice comment. We sincerely wish you all the very best from us here in the UK. Tons of success with your MM treatment. Somehow I think you will move that mountain.
You mentioned you'd heard me talking on the phone in the waiting room at the Huntsman BMT. Sorry I was talking loud enough to be overheard. I was talking to my son, who hadn't heard the news yet.
Your blog is wonderful. Since you're in the same program and getting what I expect will be similar treatment, I'll be reading every detail. I think it's great to have a positive attitude. Maintaining one is my particular challenge. Perhaps someone else contemplating the same treatment in the same place will find a balanced perspective by reading both our blogs.
Oh, and if it's really dog bones being sold at this place, there are a few canines in my neighborhood I'd like to nominate for the honor.
Y'know what's so hard about smoking dog bones?
Keeping 'em lit . . .
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