February 01, 2009
I went in to Huntsman yesterday, after lab results came back, I was informed that my stem cells have engrafted. They are now working within the bone morrow, growing, and doing what they are supposed to. My body is slowly regaining strength. There are a few lingering side effects, but I feel extremely blessed to have gotten through this relatively easy compared to most of the other patients. I never did get a fever, or have to be admitted to the hospital
I can feel myself starting to come out of the fog I have been in and I am able to think beyond the next hour or day. I meet with Dr. Tricot on Monday. He will access my lab results and then most likely give me permission to return to my home for two months.
I am excited and relieved to have made it this far. I am also quite apprehensive. I thought when I got to the top of this mountain, I would be ecstatic and jumping for joy. I am finding that just like anything in life-When You reach a goal, life doesn't stop right there. (I will be happy when I graduate from college, get this new job, make a certain amount of money, etc.)Happiness does not come at the end of the journey, but along the way.
Everyone of us are climbing mountains, dealing with challenges, facing disapointments, some through our own choices, others as a result of another's choice. How we deal with them as we go through them is just as important as overcoming them.
I have learned so much as I have attempted to "Move this Mountain" but what I find now as I reach the top and look out over the horizon is that this is not one mountain standing alone. There is a whole mountain range ahead of me. This startled and shocked me as I first realized this. I have been so focused on getting through each day-thinking if I could just get to the top, I will be okay. This thought process is probably the only way I could have got through this, but now it is time to look ahead and realize that my challenge is no different than those facing all of us. The Lord did not just give us one trial in life and then a nice little valley to settle in for the rest of our life. He continues to give us opportunities to stretch and grow and then when we ask He helps us Move our Mountains one at a time.
God has promised us that He will not desert us. The Prophet Isaiah speaks, "Fear thou not; for I am with thee; be not dismayed; for I am thy God; I will strengthen thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the righteousness" (Isaiah 41:10) "For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying, unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee." (Isaiah 41:13)
Each of us have unique trials and challenges. Through these the Lord gives us opportunities to stretch and grow. I just happen to have cancer which gives me time to examine my beliefs and study, learn and grow. May each of us turn to the Lord as he blesses us through our adversities.
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Sixteen Years-Life Goes On
Last Monday, October 28th, was just another day. I spent a busy day at work teaching High Schoolers. It is a race everyday to get everything...

JUST BREATHE Last Monday was my six-month check-up at the Huntsman Cancer Institute. I do a lot of breathing that day. I ta...
So glad to hear that your prayers are being answered and you are recovering so well. I think your positive attitude & faith has helped in your recovery. What a beautiful tribute to your husband. Thanks for sharing your journey.
Congratulations on your success. Kris you are such an inspiration. Your blog brings tears to my eyes. Your attitude is so fantastic that sometimes I can't believe this is written by someone who has cancer.
I leave Wednesday for across the pond. Know that I will be keeping up with you through your blog. We love you and your family!
So happy to hear that your stem cellsare doing what they are suppose to! And you are starting to regain your strength! Hope you have good news today and can go back home!!! We are thinking of you alway's!
Kris, I have to say as I read your blog that I can't even imagine what you are going through but yet through it all you are an inspiration to all of us and you are writing such powerful messages that touch our hearts...so Thank You! Thank you for reminding all of us what is really the most important thing in this life. You are a strong fighter and you will get through this! I know it!
You truly are amazing. I love to read and keep up with you here. Thanks for sharing. Your outlook is so awesome and it helps me immensely! We pray for you daily in our family prayers. I then look forward to your posts to see God's hand in action. Thank you for being a wonderful example.
Love you,
Kris --
I am so glad to hear your good news!!
Prayers are being answered.
Love, Jill Thorpe
So glad to hear things are moving along for you! Hang in there - although the trip has lots of mountains there are so many wonderful people along the way (as I know you have found). I am one year out from all my treatments and doing well myself. Hallelujah! Thanks for letting me follow your journey through your blog.
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