This is our Christmas tree. It is crooked. It has fallen down three times. After the last “timber” incident Spencer exclaimed, “There is always something happening around our house!” Ain't that the truth!
A year ago, a few months after I was diagnosed with cancer I was shocked to discover that life went on. My world continued to spin. (Albeit on a slightly crooked axis.) Cancer did not exempt me and my family from the ups and downs of life. The car still broke down. The fridge needed repairs. The kids still had homework and missing assignments, and the finances became a little slimmer just like everyone else. I discovered that, like Spencer said, there continues to be something always happening at our house.
I think that’s called life.
Our Christmas tree makes me smile. It is not pretty. The decorations are a variety of “kid-friendly” ornaments collected over the years. After the third time the tree toppled over, everything was just quickly tossed back up. I don’t think I would have left the tree in this condition b.c. (before cancer) Now my crooked Christmas tree makes me smile. It reminds me of my life over the past year. Last December I was going through high dose chemo in preparation for stem cell harvest and transplant. I stayed with my parents to be close to the hospital. My family had Christmas without me. It was extremely hard for all of us.
Just like our Christmas tree, my life is not perfect. My home is not perfect. My clothes are not expensive and my car is not shiny, or brand new. Just like my tree I occasionally fall down and I need someone to prop me back up... but this December I am here in my home with my Christmas decorations, my Christmas music and with my crooked Christmas tree. I am here to be apart of “something always happening at our house.” I am here to enjoy Christmas parties, and visits with friends and relatives. I am here to soak in the love of my husband and children. I am here to celebrate the birth of our Savior who came to earth to atone for ours sins and to bless us with his spirit. To strengthen us in our challenges and to provide us with opportunities to help prop each other up.
Our lives, like my Christmas tree, might never be perfect.

I think what matters more are the people who are around the tree.
Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year
Merry Christmas to you and your family...I've been praying for you ever since I discovered your blog a few weeks ago.
I know that you will have a blessed and HEALTHY 2010!
- Bob OC
I think about you all the time--driving home from Andy's moms house on Christmas Eve--Andy and I were talking about how close our Primary Presidency was--I am SO grateful for that and your sweet friendship! THANK YOU! :)
Kris, how far we've come this past year!!! Life being 'lived' is a gift. Thanks for sharing your story, keep sharing. Kim is also doing well--we spent Christmas in the California sunshine. No snow, but the warmth was awesome.
denese P
We wish you a very Merry Easter (Can't have one without the other)
Do not double click on above sender. I have deleted their comment which was a link to a raunchy website, but can't get rid of the name! This really ticks me off.
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